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Depository Participant (DP) Fees

Depository Participant (DP) Fees

Account Operation, Normal Transactions, and Others

S.no. Particulars Fee*
1 Account Opening (BO) Rs. 50 (onetime fee)
2 Annual Maintenance Charge (BO) Rs. 100 annually
3 Pledge Rs. 50 per stock
4 Online account access (Mero Share) Rs. 50 annually
5 Dematerialization Free
6 Statements Free

*Total fee comprises of 85% Depository Participant fee, 10% CDS and Clearing Ltd. fee and 5% SEBON fee except for On Market Transactions.

*Total fee comprises of 75% Depository Participant fee, 10% CDS and Clearing Ltd. fee and 5% SEBON fee.


Transfer to other family members

*2% of total paid-up value of securities to be transferred or Rs. 200 whichever is higher.

*Total fee comprises of 40% Depository Participant (DP) fee and 60% CDS and clearing Ltd. fee.


Transfer to Legal Heir after Death of Owner

S.no. Paid up value of securities Fee*
1 Rs.100,000 or less 0.50% or Rs. 25 whichever is higher
2 Rs. 100,001 to Rs. 500,000 0.20% or or Rs. 500 whichever is higher
3 Rs. 500,001 to Rs. 1,000,000 0.15% or or Rs. 1000 whichever is higher
4 Above Rs. 1,000,000 0.10% or or Rs. 1500 whichever is higher

*Total fee comprises of 40% Depository Participant (DP) fee and 60% CDS and clearing Ltd. fee.


